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Rules Governing the Spring Bocce Season:
Regular Bocce League Rules will govern play, except for the following for the Spring/Casual Season only: 

    1. Matches will be two games each, up to 10 points, with each game having a 30-minute time limit.

    2. No scores, standings or playoffs need to be reported or played.

    3. Substitutions can be made at the 15 minute mark or when one team scores 5 points, whichever comes first.
    4. You can have as few as four people on a team.

    5. A person can play on more than one team.

    6. If a team doesn’t have enough players for a game they have two choices:

      1. Contact the other team’s captain at least 24 hours before a game and tell him/her you won’t be able to play, or

      2. Ask the other team’s captain to have some of their players on your team for a game.

    7. New players will need to pay $10 to join the Bocce Club for the remainder of the year, otherwise, there is no additional cost for current players. Captains will need to have these players pay the Bocce Cub Treasurer directly.


See pictures of the 2024 Winter Season playoffs at the bottom of this page. All photos were taken by Alvin Ungar.
