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Published by Larry Boress
May 21, 2024


(REVISED May 17, 2024)



Section A – Name of Organization

The name of this organization shall be the TAV Bocce Club (TAVBC) hereinafter known as the

“Bocce Club”.
Section B – Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this organization is to promote the knowledge, appreciation and understanding of playing the game of Bocce within Trilogy at Vistancia (the “Community”) through organized League Play.  
Section C – Compliance
These Bylaws comply with the Project Documents of the Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association (the “Association”). In the event of a conflict between these Bylaws and the Project Documents, the Project Documents shall prevail. All Bocce Club operations and activities shall be subject to the Kiva/Mita Clubs and the Association’s Board of Directors.
Section D – Charter Club
The TAVBC shall be operated as a chartered club of the Association in accordance with applicable statutes and the Project Documents. 
Section E – Membership Roster
The TAVBC Membership Roster is the exclusive property of the TAVBC and the Association and shall be used only for official TAVBC and Association purposes. Use of the roster for other clubs, individual or business solicitation is expressly prohibited. 
Section F – Capitalized Terms 
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’S) for Trilogy at Vistancia.


Section A – Membership Eligibility
Membership shall be open to all full or part-time Residents who are in good standing with the Association under the Project Documents, without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, familial status or national origin. Members will not be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization. 
Section B – Disciplinary Procedures 
Proper conduct and common courtesy are essential. Disciplinary procedures shall be in compliance with the Chartered Club Rules, as may be amended from time to time by The Association’s Board of Directors.


Section C 
– Dues

. Membership dues for existing and new members shall be determined annually by the   
    TAVBC Board and communicated to the membership each year. 

2. Individuals joining a team after the Winter Season shall pay half of the dues for that year to
    the Treasurer. 

3. Existing member dues are payable each year on or before the start of the Winter Season.  

4. Team Captains are responsible for collecting dues from each team member. The Team
    Captain will then pay the Bocce Club Treasurer for his/her entire team. When paying team

    dues, the captain must complete the team roster form, including the names of team
    members that he/she is paying for. 

5. A team member who has not paid their captain will be deemed delinquent and will be
   dropped from the team for that year. 

6. Dues are nonrefundable unless the player is either moving out of Trilogy; has a medical 
    condition that prevents them to play; or the person has submitted a request to the TAV
    Executive Committee and received approval for a full refund.

Section D - Member Meetings and Voting


1.    A Membership Annual Meeting shall be scheduled at least once a year with additional meetings scheduled as needed for updates, changes, improvements, and discussions.

2.    Attendance and voting at member meetings can be either in-person, telephonic or online.

3.    Every member in good standing who has paid their dues has one vote.


Section E– Bylaws
These Bylaws shall be available to all members via the club website: 




Section A – Composition 
The TAVBC Board shall consist of:          

1.    Four (4) elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer) and the immediate Past President;

2.    The TAVBC Chairs of the Membership, IT and other standing and ad hoc committees created by the President and approved by the Executive Committee; 

3.    Individuals who are transitioning into a committee chair position; and

4.    Individuals appointed to the Board by the President and approved by the Executive Committee, to represent the At-Large Membership; 


Section B – Terms of Office

1.     All TAVBC Board officers and members shall have two-year terms, with elections staggered so all officers and committee chairs do not end terms at the same time.

2.     Board members have the option of being considered for a second two-year term,

3.     The Immediate Past President will serve one year after the last year of his/her term.

4.   Officers and committee chairs may serve a maximum of two terms in the same role.



Section C - Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of five members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Immediate Past President for the first year after his/her terms ends.
Section D – Vacancies
A vacancy on the TAVBC Executive Committee, except that of the President, shall be filled by the TAVBC Board. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall become President and the vacancy in the office of the Vice-President will be filled by the TAVBC Executive Board. Any officers appointed to fill vacancies may serve for the remainder of the term of the officer they are replacing.
Section E – Board and Member Meetings
TAVBC Board meetings will normally be held approximately four (4) times a year.  Meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee at any time with notification to all TAVBC Board members. Guests may be nvited to Board meetings by the President.
Section F – Board Responsibility
The TAVBC Board shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Association Rules and TAVBC Bylaws, including, but not limited to: 

·      Direct and supervise the administration and management of the TAVBC. 

·      Creating and amending playing and Club Rules and Procedures.


Section G- Quorum for Decisions
      1.  All decisions requiring a vote of the Executive Committee or those that may involve the TAVBC 

            Board and/or Committee Chairs are made by simple majority of those present, with a minimum

of three members present. 

      2.  Each member of the Board shall have one vote.

      3.  In the event of a tie vote among the TAVBC Board members, the President’s vote shall count   

          as two (2) to break the tie. 

      4.  Votes may be made in-person, telephonically or online.

Section H – Removal of Officers and Board Members

1.     Officers and Board members may be removed from office for cause by a vote of the 75% of Board members.

2.    “Cause” for removal shall include, but not be limited to, a board member’s failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings without a valid excuse, engaging in conduct that is detrimental to the organization, or violating the organization's policies or bylaws.


Section A – 
Election of Officers

1.    Any member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Board. 

2.    Applications for specific open officer positions shall be solicited and gathered by the TAVBC Board before November 15th of each year. 


Section B – Selection of Candidates
All applications for open positions shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and a slate for the new officers shall be presented and approved by a vote of the TAVBC Board members during the December Board meeting.

Section C – Election by Members
The slate of candidates for open positions shall be sent to all TAVBC members, via electronic mail, for their approval.

Section D – New Officer Seating

The new officers will assume their responsibilities on January 1st of the year immediately following their election. 

                                                      ARTICLE V - FINANCIAL

Section A – Retention of Records
Financial and bank records shall be retained for a period of not less than three (3) years. 

Section B – Parent Organization
The TAVBC operates as a part of the Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association, which is a mutual benefit, non-profit organization. Any and all bank accounts shall be opened under the TAVCA’s Federal Identification Number.

Section C – Annual Audits
On an annual basis, before January 15th, the financial statements of the TAVBC shall be presented to the Activities Director of Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association by the club Treasurer. The financial statements shall include a balance sheet and an income statement (budget) and be prepared following generally accepted accounting principles. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1st, and end on the last day of December. The club Treasurer will work with the auditor(s) to ensure a clean report is provided as required by the auditor(s).
Section D – Access to Records
The Activities Director and/or Director of Resort Operations shall have access to all the books and records, i.e. roster and details of the club at their request. 
Section E – Signatory Requirements
The Treasurer shall disburse checks with the approval of the President or the Vice President and ensure proper record receipts. The President & Treasurer will be listed on the bank account. Only one signature (President or Treasurer) is required for checks.


Section F – Limits on Spending

1, Only officers are permitted to purchase items or generate credit card charges. 

2. Any charge or purchase by above $1000 must be approved by the Executive Committee.



                                                           ARTICLE VI – COMMITTEES

Section A – Committees of the Board

The Board may create and dissolve Standing and Ad Hoc Committees other than the Audit Committee, which are composed of Club members.


Section B – Standing Committees

The Standing Committees are the Audit, Executive, Membership and Technology Committees


Section C – Additional Committees
The President may create and disband additional standing or ad hoc temporary committees, with the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section D – Committee Chairs
Chairpersons of committees shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.

Section E – Selection of Committee Members

Committee members are volunteers selected by the President from club members in good standing who volunteer or are recommended by the Board. 



Section A – Governance 
These Bylaws shall serve as the governing rules for the operation of the TAVBC. 
Section B – Compliance
These Bylaws will fully comply with any applicable federal and state laws and the Association’s governing documents. In the event of a conflict between the bylaws and the Association’s documents or rules, the latter shall apply. 
Section C – Amendments or Revisions
This document may be amended or revised as necessary from time to time. All such amendments or revisions shall be in writing and must be approved by the Executive Committee and the Board.


Prior to club dissolution (after all debts are satisfied), all property and assets shall be turned over to Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association.